Press Kit

Press Kit & Information

This information is a one-size-fits-all resource for media professionals, podcast hosts, conference organizers, and other interested folks. We can customize it together for your event, of course, but please feel free to use it as is.

Bio: Marshall Lichty

Marshall Lichty is a lawyer with ADHD. He’s the founder and Chief Enthusiasm Officer of JDHD (, a multifaceted ecosystem that helps release all the untapped potential in lawyers with ADHD to help them bring that potential to their lives and their work.

Marshall is the best-selling author of The Small Firm Roadmap: A Survival Guide to the Future of Your Law Practice and the host of JDHD | A Podcast for Lawyers.

As a law firm consultant and ADHD coach, Marshall spends his days helping law firms and lawyers build better lives and law businesses.

Media Interview Request Form for JDHD or Marshall Lichty
Things Marshall Believes
  1. Lawyers with ADHD will dramatically change the legal profession—for the better—in the next 10 years.
  2. Lawyers are behind the curve in running law firms as businesses. They work too hard, with too little relief, for too little reward.
  3. The legal profession has largely ignored lawyers with ADHD. That has exacted a huge toll from real people and our profession as a whole.
  4. ADHD lawyers see new ways to improve in places other lawyers often don’t. They help law businesses operate and succeed more like other, non-legal, businesses do.
  5. Law firms employing ADHD lawyers reap sizeable rewards from their novel problem solving, eye for gaps, and creativity about how to fill them.
  6. Habits are the only thing that create lasting change in our lives and our businesses (thank you, James Clear).
  7. Hourly billing is (almost always) terrible for everyone involved.
Facts about Marshall Lichty
  1. I once stabbed myself in the forearm with a utility knife while all alone at 1:30am. I fixed it with duct-tape.
  2. I remember the night Tupac died.
  3. I love a good crowd, but two of the most embarrassing moments of my life have been on stage.
  4. I’ve sent the perfect email.
  5. I’ve helped save a boy from a bear attack.
  6. I’ve held a grown man’s fake eyeball in my hand.
  7. I’ve held a different grown man’s severed big toe in my hand.
  8. I have crippling imposter syndrome.
  9. I picked on a kid named Dale when I was in 1st grade, and I feel shame about it at least once per week.
More Information About JDHD and Marshall Lichty
Social Media
  • Age: 48
  • Married to Katie Lichty
  • Father to Everett (13) and Otis (8)
  • Name Pronunciation: MAR-shul LICK-tee
My Work
  • The ADHD Library
  • The Small Firm Roadmap
  • Design Thinking For Lawyers
  • Manager README
  • Lawyers with ADHD. 2020. In The California Guide to Opening and Managing a Law Firm. Renee Stackhouse, ed. The State Bar of California. Forthcoming.
  • Identifying Your Target Client. Forthcoming. In The California Guide to Opening and Managing a Law Firm. Renee Stackhouse, ed. The State Bar of California. Forthcoming.
Podcast Appearances
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man wearing with
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portrait photo of
Interviews & Press Appearances
  • Brain & Life Magazine
Quotes & Testimonials
About us
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JDHD is a place for ADHD lawyers, whether they know they have it or not. JDHD helps lawyers learn about ADHD and how it shows up in their lives and their law practices.

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